Intellectual Property Informationization Website(IPWOM) Provide Patent Search System、Patent Download Software etc intellectual property products and Patent Statistical Analysis etc services
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Main UI Layout of IPGet Patent Search System is similar to Outlook , and also similar to common download tools. As follows:

IPGet Patent Search System,IPGet Patent Download Software

The above diagram shows the screen region names for the main ui.

The screen region names are as follows: 

1. Application Menu Bar

Here are mainly some functions related  to the entire IPGet Patent Search System, like login, logout, theme, options, help and so on general functions.

2. Application Tool Bar 

Here are most commonly used functions of Application Menu Bar, at present have translate, login, exist functions.

3. Navigation Tree

Here is navigation function, Users with different permissions will see different tree nodes,

4. Grid Query Pane

Here is query function, user can input filters to get the grid results.

5. Navigation Bar

As outlook's Navigation Bar, here can switch to different Navigation Trees.

6. Grid Tab

IPGet Patent Search System can show many grids, User caswitch between the grids from the here.

7. Grid Tool Bar 

Here are some functions to operate the grid data. 

8. Grid

Here shows the result data.

The  layout Design of IPGet Patent Search System is for reducing the operation steps, reducing  switching times and click times.