When select different node in Navigation Tree, Grid Tool Bar will show different commands corresponding to the tree node.
Below are commonly used commands:
1. : Re-download the patent data from the web.
2. : Create a new patent data by hand.
3. : Open current selected patent.
4. : Delete the selected patents.
5. : Generate a word document from the selected patents, use the selected patents's data to replace the data mark in the word templete.
6. : Open current selected patent's efiles.
7. : Export selected patents's efiles to the OS's directory.
8. : Open the web page of the current selected patent.
9. : Export query result to a .xls excel file., click the arrow icon will show .
10. : Export the query data to a .xls excel file by call Office Excel API. User can choose the fields and the format to export.
11. : Print the query data.
12. : Refresh the query data.